Friday, March 28, 2008


Dear the Blog Reader
On this Friday Night, March 29 2008, I was looking for somethign to do. Mehrdad, my buddy, is working night shift tonight at that Shell Gas Satation, so I was by myself. Searching the web with the words "St. Louis Events", I saw this link to a blog. "blog!" I said to myself, "that's what I should do tonight. At least, it is not like going to a club which makes me feel sick at the end, and the following morning I'll be like, hey, I am not going to club anymore". But when the next friday comes, that sounds like the best thing to do. Hopefully, I go to bed tonight without having gone to this club, ten 14.
I created this blog to get over my loneliness and sort of publish my thoughts and in general, express myself. I left my friends back home when I moved to the US. And, I did not make any like them yet. Since then, my hobby is just going to Starbucks and having a Mocha Frapaccino or Shaked Iced Tea, read some pages of some book, specifically, Stephen Hawking's "God Created the Integers" or some daily, sit there for a little bit and then go back home. However, most of the time, I am spending my time at our college library. This is my paradise. There are some seats you can lay down on and computers with almost high speed internet, beautiful girls, thousands of books and also free newspapers and magazines. The only thing about our library is that you not supposed to eat or drink in there whic really doesn't matter. Like I said, I am most the time on my own and have no company. So, what happens is that at the end of the week, I have a feeling in me to express myself. I go to Starbucks and there is not really a communication between the people, excpet some cold glance which pass you by or maybe some girl or boy who show their interest in you by staring at your eyes. And after your done with your iced tead, coffee or mocha, it's over and you need to go home. People in the library are the same, cold and distant. They look so drowned in their studies like they don't even see you. Going to a club is even worse. You go there, if you look good, you dance with this girl or that, she shakes for a bit and then she's gone, like she never met you. So, I think this blog could be an efficient way to get over my loneliness.
Gosh! I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Mohammad Hadi Ataei. The Iranian people or Americans who know me very well call me Hadi. People at school call me Mohammad or Moe. And some people call me Eddie, maybe because is close to Hadi. I was born on March 3rd 1986 in Tehran. When I was 4 years old, we moved to Karaj, like Tehran, a mountainous area 10 miles west of the Capital. Like almost everybody, I went to school at the age of 7. hated school, but when I was a senior, studied my ass off to get into a good university. I got into Art University of Isfahan, in the field of architecture. I studied there for a year, and took the next year off to work. Then, something happened and we moved to the United States in august 2006. The 1st year in the States I did not go to school. During that time, I was working at this restaurant owned by Rahim, an Iranian guy who had been here since 1977. I saved some money and bought a brand new Mazda 3, $5000 and $293.29 a month. But I was looking forward to going to school and since I did not have any certificate of my previous education, I took the GED test. In September 2007, I signed up at St. Louis Community Colllege, architecture again. Because of my car payment, I had to work at least 28 hours a week. At the end I made it with 3.7 GPA. I applied to some universities and I got into some of them, including, KU, Wentworth Inst of Tech and NYIT. Tired of this repeating job, I quit Subway and started working at Bread Co. They did not pay me much and I quit that after a month. then, I found a table waiting job, which I quit yesterday, for waiting table is not my type. Does not make sense to me, maybe because I am from somewhere where people don't tip waiters. I have no job right now, whatsoever. So far I have applied in 9 different places and none has called me yet.
I'll be back in a few days.